
Cortegada sen mancha

Xornada de recollida de lixo na Illa.
Se queres axudar a que Cortegadaluza mellor cara, apúntate a recoller lixoo sábado8 de marzo nesta illa protexida. Para participar debes apuntarte no teléfono do Colectivo Ecoloxista do Salnés: 680 580 086
Colabora o Parque Nacional Marítimo Terrestre das Illas Atlánticas de Galicia


At 2:45 AM, Anonymous Aboubakar said...

Even if these judgments are totally off-base, they tend to stick. Strawberry consumption can really help in whitening the teeth as they are the natural whiteners. Of course, you want to be seen by a doctor and remember your symptoms are real, not in your head as many of us were told before we got a diagnosis. A good diet plan for rheumatoid arthritis cannot cure the disease.


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